Willowdale Yard Sale Day
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Meet Your Neighbour Week concluded with Willowdale Yard Sale Day on Saturday June 24th. Despite the rain, the event was a huge success because vendors and volunteers rallied together to pivot and make the best of a soggy situation! Some vendors wondered if anyone would come to shop but before 9am there was a line up of a hundred people outside! The line up was steady for 3 full hours!
We'd like to thank:
Sponsors Kirby Chan & Co. Real Estate Team and Garrison Law
Spring Garden Church for hosting us and making delicious pancakes
Starbucks Bayview Village for sponsoring beverages
Vendors at our market and at their homes for their dedication
Volunteers for working tirelessly to make the event happen
Jeremy Law for entertaining the neighbours in line with his music
The community for supporting our vendors by showing up to shop and connect!
The map provides:
Yard Sale Locations
Yard Sale hours
The types of items that will be available
Details on if the sale was also hosting a food drive for our Food Bank
For best mobile user experience view map HERE using Google Map App