Hello Neighbour,
My name is Roberto Castillo Elizondo, and I'm the new Food Programs Coordinator. After a summer supporting Bin Choi with the Food Hub, Mobile Food Deliveries, and Fresh Vegetable Distribution, I'm honoured to take on this role and continue serving my community.

I know for the staff at NeighbourLink, especially those who have been here for the last three and a half years, it is hard to believe that October will mark three whole years since our 415 Food Hub first opened with a Thanksgiving Pop-Up. We had 75 households that signed up and no turkeys at first. By the Friday before Thanksgiving, it felt like it was raining turkeys, with 90 of them to distribute thanks to individual neighbours and community partners. It was a true Willowdale Turkey Miracle! It's also a miracle that we have been distributing fresh, nutritious food to many families every month since October 2021 without government funding.
This year, our food bank in Willowdale has seen a 20% increase, reaching 140+ families that depend on the monthly support of fresh food. This year's Thanksgiving Pop-Up is Friday, October 11th! Neighbour we need your support to raise $6500 and provide our clients with turkeys, chickens, pies and other Thanksgiving staples.

This year, we have a unique addition to our Thanksgiving Fundraiser - a Graffiti Art Auction!
On Sunday, September 22nd, eight accomplished artists took to Mel Lastman Square to create one-of-a-kind graffiti art. You can own one of these incredible works of art, all while supporting the most vulnerable in our community!
Eight pieces are up for auction. Each piece begins at $75, which is enough to provide a Thanksgiving package to one family - and a total steal for these one-of-a-kind pieces by well-established artists. Visit our website to check out the completed art pieces and make your bid! The auction closes Friday, October 11, at 5:00 PM.
We thank Youngdo (of City Lights Fellowship & Mission) for organizing this fantastic event and for all the artists who donated their time and these pieces! Let the bidding begin!
According to the latest data from the Canadian Income Survey, 24% of people in Toronto are food insecure, a significant increase from 19% in 2021, impacting 726,000 people. The Daily Bread’s Who’s Hungry Report found that 1 in 10 people rely on food banks; up from 1 in 20 in 2022, 55% of food bank clients skip meals to cover other expenses, and 31% of food bank clients go a day without eating.
Behind all of these statistics are individuals and families. They are our neighbours, and I think we can agree that they deserve to have a nourishing and comforting Thanksgiving meal.
You have the power to make a difference. Thank you for supporting the 4th Willowdale Turkey Miracle!
Roberto Castillo Elizondo
Food Programs Coordinator
NeighbourLink North York