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Volunteer Testimonial: Faith

Hi! I can't remember when I started to volunteer - probably around 25 years ago.. I have watched NL change, grow, seem to fade out but then arise with new leadership to flourish in our community once more!

It is thrilling for me to be part of an organization with a heart for our city - for those often on the margins, or in the shadows and forgotten.  

My money, my hours of volunteering and my heart remains with this awesome organization.  The warmth that volunteers and those we are helping (or who are helping us by graciously accepting help) pour out, touches my heart.  I have great personal satisfaction and joy from volunteering for Neighbourlink - for here is an organization where almost everything that is donated goes directly into the community and serving those close to us - and someday we may be in their shoes - with love and respect and dignity.

Another benefit are the relationships I build through interacting with other volunteers - of every age - from young teens to seniors like myself.  The volunteers who come and whose service is nurtured by the staff at NL feel the warmth that is extended to us, the professionalism of all communication and the skill and expertise of all the staff of NL.

So with heart felt appreciation I am writing to recommend to everyone - here is an organization that is doing wonderful work, making a practical difference in many lives in our own neighbourhood that deserves your charitable dollars and your time.  Please think of volunteering and you will be blessed beyond measure and know that your contribution is making a life changing difference in the lives of Willowdale and North York!


We’re so grateful for Faith’s meaningful contributions and dedication over the years! Join her by volunteering or making a donation to our year end goal! Help us cross the finish line of our 75K goal! Visit 

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