Community Care Team
A group of staff and dedicated volunteers serve North York by checking in with the recipients of the food hub and mobile food delivery, visiting homes, shopping for groceries, and brainstorming referrals to support agencies. In 2024 they made over 570 homes visits and over 800 phone calls.
While most intake requests are for referral to food support, we also refer clients to:
- Legal assistance
- Drives to medical appointments
- Clothing assistance
- Counselling
- Housing help
- Tutoring services
- Meal trains for families in crisis
- Children's summer camp
- Employment services
Our community care team has grown their capacity to care for residents in North York by taking 3 courses on how to take care of themselves as they care for others. These workshops focused on awareness of mental, emotional and physical stress and learned different self-care techniques. The community care team also participated in 2 workshops where they learned how to communicate and de-escalate complaints with HEART.
Our Community Care team is growing. If you are in need of immediate support please fill out our help form here

Community Food Programs
We started a food bank for our neighbours at 415 Willowdale Ave.
Click here for more information.

If a client requests a service that we do not provide our team will connect them with a local organization that can support them

Single Moms Support
Supporting and advocating for Single Moms and their families to help navigate challenges they face

Supporting Seniors
Supporting the needs of seniors by picking up groceries, and offering companionship through our seniors programs

415 Youth
Summer Youth Basketball and Art Camp, employment skill building and job matching

Persons with Disabilities
We provide mobile food delivery and
referrals to legal services, medical assistance and community resources.